
Danh sách blog thứ hạng cao - xây dựng backlinks bằng cách tạo comments

Danh sách blog thứ hạng cao - xây dựng backlinks bằng cách tạo comments
Xây dựng backlinks từ blog có thứ hạng cao
1. http://rich-blogger.com
2. http://w3blog.dk
3. http://comluv.com
4. http://basicblogtips.com
5.  http://growmap.com
6. http://freebloghelp.com
7. http://kikolani.com
8. http://www.attractionmarketingonline.com
9. http://awebsitedesigner.com.au
10. http://www.biggirlbranding.com
11. http://www.birdsontheblog.co.uk
12. http://blondish.net
13. http://cravingtech.com
14. http://www.cravingtech.com
15. http://e-wali.com
16. http://www.famousbloggers.net
17. http://www.fansbridge.com
18. http://gradmoneymatters.com
19. http://www.iblogzone.com
20. http://www.intenseblog.com
21. http://kaiserthesage.com
22. http://www.netchunks.com
23. http://nickstraffictricks.com
24. http://www.ryanhanley.com
25. http://sem-group.net
26. http://smallusbflashdrive.com
27. http://www.smartbloggerz.com
28. http://www.sweetsfoods.com
29. http://thattechchick.com
30. http://www.thesaleslion.com
31. http://theworkathomewife.com
32. http://tips4pc.com
33. http://www.vancesova.com
34. http://weblogbetter.com
35. http://www.webuildyourblog.com
36. http://www.workfromhomewisdom.com
37. http://adriennesmith.net
38. http://another-blogger.com
39. http://www.authopublisher.com
40. http://blazingminds.co.uk
41. http://bloggersnetwork.net
42. http://www.chadnicely.com
43. http://www.cleancutmedia.com
44. http://dougchampigny.com
45. http://fiddyp.co.uk
46. http://findingthehumor.com
47. http://www.blogpreneurs.com
48. http://www.freemakemoneyadvice.com
49. http://www.getpaidtowriteonline.com
50. http://growwithstacy.com
51. http://johnrobberson.com
52. http://just-ask-kim.com
53. http://legacymarketingservices.com
54. http://lisaangelettieblog.com
55. http://www.magnet4marketing.net
56. http://myblog2day.com
57. http://mywebgal.com/blog
58. http://profitonknowledge.com
59. http://www.seodiscovery.org
60. http://www.seommotips.com
61. http://superbloggingtips.com
62. http://www.technshare.com
63. http://www.thebadblogger.com
64. http://wassupblog.com
65. http://www.bloggingwithchris.com
66. http://crunchynow.com
67. http://www.inspiredtowrite.com
68. http://www.murlu.com
69. http://pattistafford.com/blog
70. http://www.seomkt.com
71. http://www.techinitio.com
72. http://www.socialwebcafe.com
73. http://sourceblogger.com
74. http://bizhax.com
75. http://robcalhoun.com
76. http://www.shalusharma.com
77. http://www.benspark.com
78.  http://www.blogincomelife.com
79.  http://seventoten.com
80.  http://www.techbucket.org
81.  http://www.niharsworld.com
82. http://techpatio.com
83.  http://www.blogging24h.com
84.  http://www.guideandnews.com
85.  http://www.geekrevealed.com
86.  http://www.techotalk.com
87. http://www.awesomebloggers.com
88.  http://peterfuller.org
89.  http://www.relationshippa.com
90.  http://www.eyes4tech.com
91.  http://tecknobuzz.com
92.  http://blogpunch.com
93.  http://useme4info.com
94.  http://bloggersmakemoney.com
95.  http://www.donofweb.com
96.  http://www.crunchyhub.com
97. http://www.makemenoise.com
98. http://buildyourblog.net
99. http://www.bloggingcage.com
100.  http://www.teckilla.com
101.  http://kathydobson.com
102. http://www.iblognet.com
103. http://bloggingandwb.com
104. http://www.thechefscookbook.com
105. http://keepupwiththeweb.com
106. http://www.thetopblogger.com
107. http://www.theepicblog.com/home/the-blog/
108. http://likeadad.net

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